#!/usr/bin/php4 JSC Samara-Dialog. System of modelling and identification of blood circulation
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Computer medicine
Elements of mathematical
modeling and identification of
blood circulation system
System of modelling and
identification of blood circulation
Modelling and identification
of blood circulation in realtime
Net measure
System of imitating modelling
of networks of the computer
Postgraduate study

System of Modeling and Identification of blood circulation


   The system is intended for modelling in real time and identification on real curves of system of blood circulation of the person. The system of modelling of blood circulation allows the researcher to model behaviour of system of blood circulation, changing parameters of mathematical model. Distinctive feature of the given model is non-averageness on an intimate cycle and ability to selftune, i. e. homeostatition, and also an opportunity completely to model the transients arising at removing of system of blood circulation from an equilibrium condition and a condition of balance. The system allows to model the following basic pathological conditions: infringements of an intimate rhythm, hypertonic illness, a bleeding, hypoxia, collapse, heart attack of a myocardium of a various degree of weight, cardiogen shock and others. Besides can be simulate of devices of artificial and auxiliary blood circulation: for example, intraaortic balloon pump (IABP) and even completely artificial heart. Process of modelling is displayed in a graphic kind on the monitor, results modelling can be kept, seen and printed. The subsystem of identification allows to enter real physiological curves with help ADC and to receive on them the identified parameters of researched system of blood circulation and entry conditions of modelling. After identification parameters can purposefully change the user. All work with system is constructed in a dialogue mode with use of various menus and means computer graphic.

Access to model and Web laboratory

The system of modelling of blood circulation is realized in two versions: desktop and Internet - version.
The desktop version is full-function and is delivered on a contract basis. It is intended for the research, diagnostic and educational purposes. The standard personal computer is necessary for work with operational system Windows. The full-function desktop version needs payment DAC-ADC.

The Internet - version (Web laboratory) is submitted on this site for the demonstration, research and educational purposes. It is realized as element Silverlight and it is accessible to all users. The standard personal computer is necessary for work with operational system Windows and Internet Browser.

Pleasant to you of work with System of modelling and identification of blood circulation in real time.

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