#!/usr/bin/php4 JSC Samara-Dialog. Making the systems of high reliability
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Making the systems of high
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Making the systems of high reliability

The systems of high reliability - a complex programme and technical facilities, for ensuring the unceasing no-failure operation of the critical programme systems (such as business-systems of enterprise management, ABS, corporative Databases, WEB-servers, processing systems and other). The systems of high reliability allow to avoid the emergency destruction to information, refusal and stops of the critical programme systems, from which can depend successful work of the organization.

On material independent agency Gartner Group main reason внеплановых stops (the refusal), influencing upon functioning the programme systems are:

Software 30%
Technical facilities 40%
People 20%
Ambience 10%


Any system of high reliability comprises of itself whole complex of elements, each of which requires the rapt attention.

The Choice and realization of the systems of high reliability, as a rule, is a component part politicians to automations many large industrial organizations and financial institutions.

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