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Engineering-medical problem definition

The identification problem is formulated as a problem of of the best (optimal) model building of the blood circulation system on basis of the measurements which have been taken in live ability conditions of the real human organism. This problem can be considered in different aspects.

1) Structural identification, i.e. the problem of choice of the best equation kind (1) .

2) Parametrical identification, i.e. the problem of definition of the optimal parameter vector A* under the current equation kind of the mathematical model (1). Parametrical identification means a search of such values of unknown parameters, which secure the harmony between calculated and experimental values.

Later on we consider the concept of identification only as the parametrical identification, i.e. procedures of numerical value definition by the measurements of physiological curves in the real human organism.

   Illustration Parametrical identification with a teaching model
w(t) - vector of input actions
y*(t) - output object vector
y(t) - output model vector

The mathematical problem is formulated as the problem of definition of the optimal parameter vector A* of dynamic system (1), which give a minimum to some functional


where - vector of model measurements, y*(t) - vector of object measurements on the time interval .



Identification > Engineering-medical problem definition

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