CIWThe program of preparation and certification Certified Internet Webmaster of independent firm ProsoftTraining.Com is intended for experts on business dealing in the Internet from programmers and web designers up to marketing experts and to design.
Feature of the program is its independence of concrete sellers program or hardware. Therefore you receive the most objective and modern information on main Internets-technologies. A plenty of practical exercises allows to receive real skills of development of Internets-projects. And многоуровневость certifications and presence of various programs of training allows you to select the area closest to you. Certification the Certificated Internet the Web designer (Certified Internet Webmaster) is recognized as Association of Internets-professionals (Assiciation of Internet Professionals, AIP), the International Association of Web designers (International Webmasters Association, IWA).
The number of courses and examinations is included into programs of training and certification вендоров, such as Sun.
In follow direction is opened next sertifications:
Associate Master_Adm Master_Dev Master_Dsgn Master_Mgr Professional SecAst WebDev
Full list cources along direction CIW