#!/usr/bin/php4 SJSC Smara-Dialog. Network Academy
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Microsoft Gold Certified Partner
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Implementing a Database Design on Microsoft SQL Server 7.0

After passing this course students will receive the skills necessary for development and implementation of solutions on base a client-server of a DBMS of Microsoft SQL Server. The laboratory operations fulfilled during course, provide creation of an experimental database. The program of course:
- the Browse of server SQL Server
- the Browse of language Transact-SQL
- Creation of databases
- Support of data integrity
- Planning and creation of indexes
- Inquiries to several tables
- Additional possibilities of inquiries
- Obtaining of a total
- Handle of transactions and lockings
- Operation with the distributed data
- Creation of representations
- Creation of stored procedures
- Creation of triggers
- Additional methods of creation of inquiries Necessary preparation: Training on courses M922 and M832 or experience of usage of the operating system of Microsoft Windows NT Server, acquaintance to the interface of Windows, base representations about functions and terminology of Microsoft network; more than annual experience of support or creation of relational databases, representations about main concepts of design of the distributed databases, more than 6-month's experience of installation of maintenance of Microsoft SQL Server, skills of compilation of base expressions in language ANSI-SQL, an operational experience with front-end tools SQL server - isql/w and Enterprise manager.

Given cource inserted in next comlex programs:
ADM-SQL-Retro Complex programm

Education coast on cource - USD 400
Cource duration (days) - 5
 © SJSC Samara-Dialog, 1998-2003. All rights reserved.
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