M2557Developing Component-Based Applications Using Microsoft? .NET Enterprise Services
This course is intended for the developers, wishing to learn to create the effective scalable distributed applications with usage of Microsoft .NET Enterprise Services and Microsoft .NET Framework the Program of course: - Acquaintance with COM + Services - the Configuration of technologies Just-in-time Activation and Synchronization - Usage ADO.NET - Transaction services - Safety of distributed applications - Handle of a state (Shared Property Manager, ASP.NET) - Compensating Recourse Managers - poorly connected events (Loosely Coupled Events) - Queued Components - Debugging COM + applications - Installation and Administration COM + Necessary preparation: Experience of programming in language VB.NET or C#, and also an operational experience with transactions. Course M2349 is recommended.
This course will help you to prepare for the next tests: 070-320 Developing XML Web Services and Server Components with Microsoft Visual C# .NET and the Microsoft .NET Framework 070-310 Developing XML Web Services and Server Components with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET and the Microsoft .NET Framework
Education coast on cource - USD 400 Cource duration (days) - 5