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Microsoft Gold Certified Partner
Wonderware Certified Training Provider


Upgrading Your Skills from Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 to Microsoft Exchange Server 2003

Upgrading Your Skills from Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 to Microsoft Exchange Server 2003
This three-day course gives students new knowledge and skills to update and support a reliable safe infrastructure for creation, storages and shared use of the information with usage Exchange Server 2003 in average and big networks. The course takes up a position each concept in a context of knowledge of students, To receive sufficient knowledge and skills for upgrade and supports Exchange Server 2003

After learning course you can
  • Configurate and control Exchange Server 2003
  • To control interactions between Exchange Server 2003 and Exchange Server 2000
  • To provide safety Exchange Server 2003
  • To control receivers
  • To control common folders
  • To control address lists
  • To realize and control client connections with usage the Internet protocols
  • To control customization of clients and their connection
  • To control routing
  • To control mobile devices Exchange Server 2003
  • To control data storage and the hardware resources
  • To plan the strategy of restoring after failures
  • To carry out backup Exchange Server 2003
  • To carry out regular service
  • To migrate users from Exchange Server 5.5 to separate organizations on base Exchange Server 2003.
The contents of course
  • Course includes 4 units for independent learning:
    - Installation and transition to Exchange Server 2003
    - Handle of receivers
    - Handle of common folders
    - Handle of connection of clients and their customization
  • Handle address спискаами
  • Implementation and handle of client access on protocols of the Internet
  • Handle of routing
  • Handle of mobile devices Exchange Server 2003
  • Handle of data storage and the hardware resources
  • Planning of the strategy of restoring after failures
  • Backup Exchange Server 2003
  • Periodic service Exchange Server 2003
  • Migration of users from Exchange Server 5.5 to separate organizations on base Exchange Server 2003
Preliminary preparation
  • Students should have practical knowledge of Microsoft Exchange Server 2003, practical knowledge of network technologies, including TCP/IP protocol, DNS and IIS
  • Are necessary knowledge of the Internet of protocols, Switching Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP3) or Internet Message Access Protocol version 4 (IMAP4), Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), and Network News Transfer Protocols (NNTP.)
  • It is desirable to pass before course:

    This course will help you to prepare for the next tests:
    070-284 Implementing and Managing Microsoft? Exchange Server 2003

    Education coast on cource - USD 255
    Cource duration (days) - 3
 © SJSC Samara-Dialog, 1998-2003. All rights reserved.
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