M2009Upgrading Your Skills from Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 to Microsoft Exchange Server 2003
Upgrading Your Skills from Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 to Microsoft Exchange Server 2003
This three-day course gives students new knowledge and skills to update and support a reliable safe infrastructure for creation, storages and shared use of the information with usage Exchange Server 2003 in average and big networks. The course takes up a position each concept in a context of knowledge of students, To receive sufficient knowledge and skills for upgrade and supports Exchange Server 2003 After learning course you can - Configurate and control Exchange Server 2003
- To control interactions between Exchange Server 2003 and Exchange Server 2000
- To provide safety Exchange Server 2003
- To control receivers
- To control common folders
- To control address lists
- To realize and control client connections with usage the Internet protocols
- To control customization of clients and their connection
- To control routing
- To control mobile devices Exchange Server 2003
- To control data storage and the hardware resources
- To plan the strategy of restoring after failures
- To carry out backup Exchange Server 2003
- To carry out regular service
- To migrate users from Exchange Server 5.5 to separate organizations on base Exchange Server 2003.
The contents of course - Course includes 4 units for independent learning:
- Installation and transition to Exchange Server 2003 - Handle of receivers - Handle of common folders - Handle of connection of clients and their customization - Handle address спискаами
- Implementation and handle of client access on protocols of the Internet
- Handle of routing
- Handle of mobile devices Exchange Server 2003
- Handle of data storage and the hardware resources
- Planning of the strategy of restoring after failures
- Backup Exchange Server 2003
- Periodic service Exchange Server 2003
- Migration of users from Exchange Server 5.5 to separate organizations on base Exchange Server 2003
Preliminary preparation - Students should have practical knowledge of Microsoft Exchange Server 2003, practical knowledge of network technologies, including TCP/IP protocol, DNS and IIS
- Are necessary knowledge of the Internet of protocols, Switching Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP3) or Internet Message Access Protocol version 4 (IMAP4), Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), and Network News Transfer Protocols (NNTP.)
- It is desirable to pass before course:
M2274 M2275 M2276.
This course will help you to prepare for the next tests: 070-284 Implementing and Managing Microsoft? Exchange Server 2003
Education coast on cource - USD 255 Cource duration (days) - 3