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Mastering Web Application Development Using Microsoft? Visual InterDev 6

p align ='justify '> This course is intended for the developers, wishing to use Visual InterDev 6.0 for creation of complex Web-sites and the applications using such technologies as CSS, ActiveX and others, and also to publish the data stored in Microsoft SQL Server.

After learning of course you can
  • describe the units necessary for development of a Web-site;
  • to develop a Web-site with application of the environment of Microsoft ® Visual InterDev 6.0;
  • to create interactive pages for Web-sites;
  • to create scripts for Web-pages with usage ASP and COM components;
  • to apply resources of protection of Web-sites;
  • to view and change customizations OLE of providers from ASP, applying resources Visual InterDev;
  • to create reentrant, reliable COM components, applying system of development of Microsoft ® Visual Basic 6.0, compatible with a transaction server (MTS);
  • to create the integrated Web-solutions, applying products of Microsoft ® BackOffice.
Contents of course
  • Planning of a Web-site.
  • Introduction in Microsoft ® Visual InterDev.
  • Creation and application dynamic HTML pages.
  • Creation and application a dynamic ASP of pages.
  • Organization of access to databases.
  • Main principles of operation with databases.
  • Creation COM components.
  • Usage of a transaction server (MTS.)
  • Questions of integration with other systems of Microsoft ®.
Students the Developers of Web-sites who are carrying out planning of the architecture, selection of technological solutions and development of Internets-applications with application COM components.

Preliminary preparation Is supposed presence for students of practical experience of programming on Microsoft ® Visual Basic, skill to use Internet Explorer, knowledge of main concepts and terms Web, base knowledge HTML and an operational experience with Microsoft ® SQL Server.

This course will help you to prepare for the next tests:
070-016 Designing and Implementing Desktop Applications with Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0
070-015 Designing and Implementing Distributed Applications with Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0
070-152 Designing and Implementing Web Solutions with Microsoft Visual InterDev 6.0

Given cource inserted in next comlex programs:
ADM-C Complex programm
Dev Complex programm

Education coast on cource - USD 525
Cource duration (days) - 5

 © SJSC Samara-Dialog, 1998-2003. All rights reserved.
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