Data storing in SQL laboratory
SQL laboratory may be the repository of laboratory data single user or multiple users - members of the working group, with access through the network to a single database server Microsoft SQL Server. Inside the SQL laboratory, users can create folders, forming a hierarchical structure. The database is created when the first execution of the SQL laboratory setup procedure. Initially, the database is empty root folder, and users must establish themselves in a hierarchical data structure.
User's actions |
To create a new folder in the SQL laboratory to perform action "Laboratory" from the main menu. In the dialog box, select the opening of laboratory data section "SQL lab". To authenticate the login and password are entered (only with the type of authentication SQL Server).
Connection with a SQL laboratory |
User's actions |
In the dialog opening box of the file of labarotory data perform action "Create new folder".
Create new folder dialog |
Operations with SQL laboratory data are performed by the general rules of operations with laboratory data. This data are also authorised. Editing and deleting others' data in SQL laboratory is available only to users - administrators of the laboratory. The role of the administrator is assigned to users in SQL Lab settings Wizard.
The example of data structure of SQL laboratory |
Computer implementation > Additional options > Data storing in SQL laboratory