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Nowadays in biology and medicine there is a stable marked trend to application of exact mathematical methods and computing machinery for the research of human organism processes. Particularly, in one of the main physiological systems - blood circulation system. Special interest is concentrated on digital modelling of processes of control and regulation in the blood circulation system, creation of software, oriented on solving the problem of artificial and accessory blood circulation. Our hair is devoted to this problematics. Its main aim is a search of approaches to the building of real control systems by elements of artificial and accessory blood circulation.
The Help system consists of the introduction and four chapters.
The chapter is devoted to a mathematical basis of the blood circulation model. It is intended for readers, that have knowledge in the field of differential equations and theories of dynamic systems, optimal control and neuron networks (NN).
The chapter is devoted to physiological and medical interpretation of all parameters of the current model version. Here you can find many examples of pathologies modelling. Also you can find the techniques of model experiments, some results are being discussed. This chapter is intended for physiologists and doctors, that have base mathematical literacy. All mathematical formulas are illustrated and supplied with references to those chapters, where these formulas are considered in details. The majority of chapters are also illustrated.
The chapter is devoted to definition and solving methods of problem of parametrical identification , which is determined as a problem of calculation of the model parameters by measurements. The measurements are taken from a real human organism. The chapter is intended for readers, that have knowledge in theories of dynamic systems and optimal control.
The chapter is devoted to implementation features of the model release version. It also includes a user manual.